Hosting the 3rd Saturday Night Open Mic at La Dolce Vita for the first time was both intimidating and rewarding and I am blessed for both.
I have been blessed with many years of hosting Open Mics and Open Stages over the past 20 years. I have run open mics in the best/worst bars, restaurants and, of course, the ever beloved coffee shop. I have had some empty rooms and some that were standing room only. I was really blessed with tonight.
La Dolce Vita, run by Debbie and family, have long established their Award winning Coffee shop in Old Town Arvada among the music community as one of the best places to hear live music, and for the performer, the BEST place to play because folks simply go there to listen.
This is no understatement. The vibe, history and comfortable feel of this shop makes it easy to relax and enjoy the whole scene. I was simply intimidated by the newness of an unfamiliar place, setting up on time and making sure I had the right gear. An iced chai fixed that real quick.
Once set up, I was able to get a sweet sound check with my buddy Michael Van Lowe, who is still a diehard brother in music and who will not hesitate to show up and play. I'm lucky to have his relentless support. Jammin with him is pretty magical.
The Open Mic list for tonight filled almost immediately upon releasing it to the players.
So many did show up, I relinquished my spot so that another player may get a spot.
It's a small price to pay to see someone get the chance to perform from their heart and share it to the listening ears of all in attendance. Plus, Mike and I closed the night with a song.
The players brought it all tonight from old timey-folk songs to jazzy playin crooners and bluegrass pickin country singers. Even had a great local legend Dan Treanor lay down some harmonica looping, foot stompin' blues tunes. It was an incredible surprise.
This Open Mic carried a very warm and comfortable feel of a perfect hot beverage in both hands, sipping each song slowly, letting the heat fill your inside. Each picker, player and song made for an ideal Open Mic at a legendary coffee shop.
I spoke with Debbie after the night was over and she was pleased with the evening, She spoke in support of the local musician "we love the open mic community and we love having people who simply want to listen." Upon hearing this, I responded with what I thought was the obvious.... It's their fault. La Dolce Vita and those that run the ship and keep the coffee brewing. They support the local musician in more ways than most clubs or venues cannot and it shows with the excellent nights of live music.
I was lucky to host tonight. I look forward to more.....
